Telecom District to attend Big5G in Austin and ONUG in Dallas
Telecom District will attend both events held during the month of May in North America in order to explore possible strategic agreements with potential partners and new use cases with potential customers.
May 13, 2023

We are pleased to announce that Telecom District will be attending two important events in the United States:
Big5 in Austin and ONUG in Dallas. These events are a great opportunity for Telecom District to establish new strategic alliances, potential customers and solutions to explore new use cases.
Big5 is one of the most important telecom industry events in North America and will bring together industry leaders and experts to discuss the latest trends and solutions in connectivity, networking and technology. Telecom District hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to meet other industry leaders and establish new business relationships.
ONUG is the premier event for the open source business community and focuses on emerging trends in cloud, automation, security and data analytics. Telecom District will participate in this event to learn about the latest trends and solutions in the industry and explore new business opportunities.
At both events, Telecom District will be presenting its high quality business communications and connectivity solutions through meetings with key industry players, and will be seeking to establish new strategic relationships with other leaders. In addition, it will be looking for new opportunities to expand its presence in the enterprise communications market in Mexico and explore new use cases for its solutions.
We are excited to attend these events and look forward to making the most of this opportunity to establish new strategic relationships and explore new business opportunities.
For more information about our attendance to these events or about our connectivity and business communications solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us.